- 構文
- (dumpallproperties ename [context]) )
- 機能
- 図面のサポートされるプロパティを取得する。
- 引数
- ename … 情報を取得する図形の名前。ename 引数には、グラフィカル図形または非グラフィカル図形のいずれかを指定できる。
- context … 指定できる値は 0 または 1 。値が指定されない場合の既定値は 0。context として 1 を指定すると、Position、Normal、StartPoint などの一部のプロパティ値が、単一の値から個別の X、Y、および Z 値にプロモートされる。
たとえば、次の例は、StartPoint を最初にプロモートしないで表示し、次にプロモートして表示する。 プロモートされない、context = 0 StartPoint (type: AcGePoint3d) (LocalName: StartPoint) = 6.250000 8.750000 0.000000 プロモートされる、context = 1 StartPoint/X (type: double) (LocalName: Start X) = 6.250000 StartPoint/Y (type: double) (LocalName: Start Y) = 8.750000 StartPoint/Z (type: double) (LocalName: Start Z) = 0.000000
- 戻り値
- nil
- 関数からは nil が返されるが、プロパティとその現在の値はコマンド ライン履歴に出力される。
- サンプル
;; 次の例では、線オブジェクトの使用可能なプロパティを一覧表示し、プロパティ Delta、EndPoint、Normal、StartPoint を個別の値にプロモートする方法を示す。 Command: (setq e1 (car (entsel "\nSelect a line: "))) Select a line: <Entity name: 10e2e4b20> Command: (dumpAllProperties e1 1) Begin dumping object (class: AcDbLine) Angle (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: Angle) = 5.159347 Annotative (type: bool) (LocalName: Annotative) = Failed to get value to get value Area (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: Area) = 0.000000 BlockId (type: AcDbObjectId) (RO) = Ix CastShadows (type: bool) = 0 ClassName (type: AcString) (RO) = Closed (type: bool) (RO) (LocalName: Closed) = Failed to get value CollisionType (type: AcDb::CollisionType) (RO) = 1 Color (type: AcCmColor) (LocalName: Color) = BYLAYER Delta/X (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: Delta X) = 3.028287 Delta/Y (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: Delta Y) = -6.318026 Delta/Z (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: Delta Z) = 0.000000 EndParam (type: double) (RO) = 7.006281 EndPoint/X (type: double) (LocalName: End X) = 23.249243 EndPoint/Y (type: double) (LocalName: End Y) = 11.968958 EndPoint/Z (type: double) (LocalName: End Z) = 0.000000 ExtensionDictionary (type: AcDbObjectId) (RO) = Ix Handle (type: AcDbHandle) (RO) = 1b2 HasFields (type: bool) (RO) = 0 HasSaveVersionOverride (type: bool) = 0 Hyperlinks (type: AcDbHyperlink*) IsA (type: AcRxClass*) (RO) = AcDbLine IsAProxy (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsCancelling (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsEraseStatusToggled (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsErased (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsModified (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsModifiedGraphics (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsModifiedXData (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsNewObject (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsNotifyEnabled (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsNotifying (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsObjectIdsInFlux (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsPeriodic (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsPersistent (type: bool) (RO) = 1 IsPlanar (type: bool) (RO) = 1 IsReadEnabled (type: bool) (RO) = 1 IsReallyClosing (type: bool) (RO) = 1 IsTransactionResident (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsUndoing (type: bool) (RO) = 0 IsWriteEnabled (type: bool) (RO) = 0 LayerId (type: AcDbObjectId) (LocalName: Layer) = Ix Length (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: Length) = 7.006281 LineWeight (type: AcDb::LineWeight) (LocalName: Lineweight) = -1 LinetypeId (type: AcDbObjectId) (LocalName: Linetype) = Ix LinetypeScale (type: double) (LocalName: Linetype scale) = 1.000000 LocalizedName (type: AcString) (RO) = Line MaterialId (type: AcDbObjectId) (LocalName: Material) = Ix MergeStyle (type: AcDb::DuplicateRecordCloning) (RO) = 1 Normal/X (type: double) = 0.000000 Normal/Y (type: double) = 0.000000 Normal/Z (type: double) = 1.000000 ObjectId (type: AcDbObjectId) (RO) = Ix OwnerId (type: AcDbObjectId) (RO) = Ix PlotStyleName (type: AcString) (LocalName: Plot style) = ByLayer ReceiveShadows (type: bool) = 0 Failed to get value StartParam (type: double) (RO) = 0.000000 StartPoint/X (type: double) (LocalName: Start X) = 20.220956 StartPoint/Y (type: double) (LocalName: Start Y) = 18.286984 StartPoint/Z (type: double) (LocalName: Start Z) = 0.000000 Thickness (type: double) (LocalName: Thickness) = 0.000000 Transparency (type: AcCmTransparency) (LocalName: Transparency) = 0 Visible (type: AcDb::Visibility) = 0 End object dump