トーク:Ai 関数

提供:GizmoLabs - だいたい CAD LISP なサイト
2013年3月12日 (火) 10:31時点におけるGizmon (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (ページの作成:「;;; (ai_abort <appname> [<error message>] ) ;;; ;;; Displays critical error message in alert box and terminates all ;;; running applications. ;;; ;;; If <errmsg> is nil...」)
(差分) ← 古い版 | 最新版 (差分) | 新しい版 → (差分)
(ai_abort <appname> [<error message>] )
Displays critical error message in alert box and terminates all
running applications.
If <errmsg> is nil, no alert box or error message is displayed.

(defun ai_abort (app msg)

 (defun *error* (s)
   (if old_error (setq *error* old_error))
 (if msg
   (alert (strcat " アプリケーション エラー: "
                  app " \n\n  " msg "  \n" ) )


(defun ai_return (value) value)  ; Make act of returning value explicit

                                ; 返る値の行為を明示的にします。
Beep function conditional on user-preferred setting.

(defun ai_beep ( / f)

 (write-line "\007" (setq f (open "CON" "w")))
 (setq f (close f))


(ai_alert <message> )
Shell for (alert)

(defun ai_alert (msg)

 (if ai_beep? (ai_beep))
 (alert (strcat " " msg "  "))


Check to see if acadapp is loaded (and load if necessary).
If ACADAPP is not loaded, then display a message indicating
such in an alert box, and return NIL to the caller. This
function does not generate an error condition, so if that is
appropriate, then the caller must test the result and generate
the error condition itself.

(defun ai_acadapp ( / fname)

  (setq fname "acapp.arx")
     (  (= (type acad_colordlg) 'EXRXSUBR))            ; it's already loaded.
     (  (not (findfile fname))                         ; find it
        (ai_alert (strcat "見つかりません。" fname "."))
        (ai_return nil))
     (  (eq "failed" (arxload fname "failed"))      ; load it
        (ai_alert (strcat "ロードできません。 " fname "."))
        (ai_return nil))


(ai_table <bit> )
Returns a list of items in the specified table. The bit values have the
following meaning
0 List all items in the specified table.
1 Do not list Layer 0 and Linetype CONTINUOUS.
2 Do not list anonymous blocks or anonymous groups.
A check against the 70 flag for the following bit
1 anonymous block/group
4 Do not list externally dependant items.
A check against the 70 flag is made for any of the following
bits, which add up to 48
16 externally dependant
32 resolved external or dependant
8 Do not list Xrefs.
A check against the 70 flag for the following bit
4 external reference
16 Add BYBLOCK and BYLAYER items to list.
0 指定されたテーブル中のアイテムをすべてリストしてください。
1 層0およびLinetype CONTINUOUSをリストしないでください。
2 匿名のブロックや匿名のグループをリストしないでください。
4 従者アイテムを外部的にリストしないでください。
16 外部的に従者
8 Xrefsをリストしないでください。
4 外部参照
16 リストするべきBYBLOCKとBYLAYERのアイテムを加えてください。

(defun ai_table (table_name bit / tbldata table_list just_name)

 (setq tbldata nil)
 (setq table_list '())
 (setq table_name (xstrcase table_name))
 (while (setq tbldata (tblnext table_name (not tbldata)))
   (setq just_name (cdr (assoc 2 tbldata)))
     ((= "" just_name))               ; Never return null Shape names.
     ((and (= 1 (logand bit 1))
           (or (and (= table_name "LAYER") (= just_name "0"))
               (and (= table_name "LTYPE")
                    (= just_name "CONTINUOUS")
     ((and (= 2 (logand bit 2))
           (= table_name "BLOCK")
           (= 1 (logand 1 (cdr (assoc 70 tbldata))))
     ((and (= 4 (logand bit 4))
           ;; Check for Xref dependents only. 
           (zerop (logand 4 (cdr (assoc 70 tbldata)))) 
           (not (zerop (logand 48 (cdr (assoc 70 tbldata)))))
     ((and (= 8 (logand bit 8))
           (not (zerop (logand 4 (cdr (assoc 70 tbldata)))))
     ;; Vports tables can have similar names, only display one.
     ((member just_name table_list)
     (T (setq table_list (cons just_name table_list)))
   ((and (= 16 (logand bit 16))
         (= table_name "LTYPE") ) (setq table_list (cons "BYBLOCK" 
    (cons "BYLAYER" table_list))) ) 
 (ai_return table_list) 


(ai_strtrim <string> )
Trims leading and trailing spaces from strings.

(defun ai_strtrim (s)

   ((/= (type s) 'str) nil)
   (t (ai_strltrim (ai_strrtrim s)))

(defun ai_strltrim (s)

   ((eq s "") s)
   ((/= " " (substr s 1 1)) s)
   (t (ai_strltrim (substr s 2)))

(defun ai_strrtrim (s)

   ((eq s "") s)
   ((/= " " (substr s (strlen s) 1)) s)
   (t (ai_strrtrim (substr s 1 (1- (strlen s)))))
Pass a number, an error message, and a range. If the value is good, it is
returned, else an error is displayed.
Range values
0 - any numeric input OK
1 - reject positive
2 - reject negative
4 - reject zero
0 -任意の数値入力、オーケー
1 -拒絶する、肯定的
2 -拒絶する、否定
4 -0を拒絶する

(defun ai_num (value error_msg range / good_value)

   ;; is it a number
   ((not (setq good_value (distof value)))
     (set_tile "error" error_msg)
   ;; is it positive
   ((and (= 1 (logand 1 range))
      (= (abs good_value) good_value)
     (set_tile "error" error_msg)
   ;; is it zero
   ((and (= 2 (logand 2 range))
      (= 0.0 good_value)
     (set_tile "error" error_msg)
   ;; is it negative
   ((and (= 4 (logand 4 range))
      (/= (abs good_value) good_value)
     (set_tile "error" error_msg)
   (T good_value)
Pass an angle and an error message. If good, the angle is returned else
nil and an error message displayed.

(defun ai_angle(value error_msg / good_value)

   ((and (setq good_value (angtof value))
     (set_tile "error" "")
     (atof (angtos good_value))
   (T (set_tile "error" error_msg) nil)
Error routine.

(defun ai_error (s)  ; If an error (such as CTRL-C) occurs

 (if (not (member s '("関数がキャンセルされました。" "コンソール ブレーク")))
   (princ (strcat "\nエラー: " s))
 (if undo_init (ai_undo_pop))              ; Deal with UNDO
 (if old_error (setq *error* old_error))   ; Restore old *error* handler
 (if old_cmd (setvar "cmdecho" old_cmd))   ; Restore cmdecho value


Routines that check CMDACTIVE and post an alert if the calling routine
should not be called in the current CMDACTIVE state. The calling
routine calls (ai_trans) if it can be called transparently or
(ai_notrans) if it cannot.
1 - Ordinary command active.
2 - Ordinary and transparent command active.
4 - Script file active.
8 - Dialogue box active.
1 -活発な通常のコマンド。
2 -活発な通常で透明なコマンド。
4 -活発なスクリプト・ファイル。
8 -活発なダイアログ・ボックス。

(defun ai_trans ()

 (if (zerop (logand (getvar "cmdactive") (+ 2 8) ))
     (alert "このコマンドは割り込みで実行できません。")


(defun ai_transd ()

 (if (zerop (logand (getvar "cmdactive") (+ 2) ))
     (alert "このコマンドは割り込みで実行できません。")


(defun ai_notrans ()

 (if (zerop (logand (getvar "cmdactive") (+ 1 2 8) ))
     (alert "このコマンドは割り込みで実行できません。")


Looks for a current selection set, and returns it if found,
or throws user into interactive multiple object selection,
and returns the resulting selection set if one was selected.
Sets the value of ai_seltype to
1 = resulting selection set was autoselected
2 = resulting selection set was prompted for.
1 = 結果として生じる選択セットはオートセレクトされた
2 = 結果として生じる選択セットでした、促されました。

(defun ai_aselect ( / ss)

   ((and (eq 1 (logand 1 (getvar "pickfirst")))
                (setq ss (ssget "_i")) )
      (setq ss (ai_ssget ss))  ;; only if ss exists.
      (setq ai_seltype 1)
      (ai_return ss)
   ((setq ss (ssget))
     (if ss (setq ss (ai_ssget ss)))
     (setq ai_seltype 2)
     (ai_return ss)


(ai_aselect1 <msg> )
Looks for ONE autoselected entity, or throws the user into
interactive entity selection (one entity, where a selection
point is insignificant). <msg> is the prompt generated if
interactive selection is invoked.
Sets the value of ai_seltype to
1 = resulting entity was autoselected
2 = resulting entity was prompted for.
1 = 結果として生じる実体はオートセレクトされた
2 = 結果として生じる実体でした、促されました。

(defun ai_aselect1 (msg / ent)

   ((and (eq 1 (logand 1 (getvar "pickfirst")))
                (setq ent (ssget "_i"))
                (eq 1 (sslength ent)))
     (setq ai_seltype 1)
     (if (ai_entity_locked (ssname ent 0) 1)
       (ai_return nil)
       (ai_return (ssname ent 0))
   ((setq ent (entsel msg))
     (if (ai_entity_locked (car ent) 1) (setq ent nil))
     (setq ai_seltype 2)
     (ai_return (car ent))


(ai_autossget1 <msg> )
Same as ai_aselect1, but allows SELECT options, e.g. "Previous",
and returns the first entity in the selection set.
Looks for ONE autoselected entity, or throws the user into
interactive entity selection (for one entity, where a selection
point is insignificant). The <msg> argument is the prompt used if
interactive selection is invoked.
Sets the value of ai_seltype to
1 = resulting entity was autoselected
2 = resulting entity was prompted for.
1 = 結果として生じる実体はオートセレクトされた
2 = 結果として生じる実体でした、促されました。

(defun ai_autossget1 (msg / ent ss)

   ((and (eq 1 (logand 1 (getvar "pickfirst")))
              (setq ent (ssget "_i"))
              (eq 1 (sslength ent))
     (setq ai_seltype 1)
     (if (ai_entity_locked (ssname ent 0) 1)
       (ai_return nil)
       (ai_return (ssname ent 0))
     (while (not ss)
       (princ msg)
       (command "_.SELECT" "_SI" "_AU" pause)  
       (if (and 
             (setq ss (ssget "_P"))           
             (eq 1 (sslength ss))
             (setq ss (ai_ssget ss)) ;; removed locked entities
         (setq ent (ssname ss 0))
         (setq ss nil ent nil)
       (setq ai_seltype 2)
       (ai_return ent)


A function that turns on UNDO so that some existing routines will work.
Do not use with new routines as they should be designed to operate with
any UNDO setting.

(defun ai_undo_on ()

 (setq undo_setting (getvar "undoctl"))
   ((= 2 (logand undo_setting 2))     ; Undo is one
     (command "_.undo" "_control" "_all" "_.undo" "_auto" "_off")
   ((/= 1 (logand undo_setting 1))    ; Undo is disabled
     (command "_.undo" "_all" "_.undo" "_auto" "_off")


Return UNDO to the initial setting. Do not use with new routines as they
should be designed to operate with any UNDO setting.

(defun ai_undo_off ()

   ((/= 1 (logand undo_setting 1))
     (command "_.undo" "_control" "_none")
   ((= 2 (logand undo_setting 2))
     (command "_.undo" "_control" "_one")
UNDO handlers. When UNDO ALL is enabled, Auto must be turned off and
GROUP and END added as needed.
UNDO ALLが可能になる場合、自動車は切られるに違いありません、そしてGROUPおよびEND、加えられた、求められるような。

(defun ai_undo_push()

 (setq undo_init (getvar "undoctl"))
   ((and (= 1 (logand undo_init 1))   ; enabled
         (/= 2 (logand undo_init 2))  ; not ONE (ie ALL is ON)
         (/= 8 (logand undo_init 8))   ; no GROUP active
     (command "_.undo" "_group")
 ;; If Auto is ON, turn it off.
 (if (= 4 (logand 4 undo_init))
     (command "_.undo" "_auto" "_off")


Add an END to UNDO and return to initial state.

(defun ai_undo_pop()

   ((and (= 1 (logand undo_init 1))   ; enabled
         (/= 2 (logand undo_init 2))  ; not ONE (ie ALL is ON)
         (/= 8 (logand undo_init 8))   ; no GROUP active
     (command "_.undo" "_end")
 ;; If it has been forced off, turn it back on.
 (if (= 4 (logand undo_init 4))
   (command "_.undo" "_auto" "_on")


(get_dcl "FILTER")
Checks for the existence of, and loads the specified .DCL file,
or aborts with an appropriate error message, causing the initial
load of the associated application's .LSP file to be aborted as
well, disabling the application.
If the load is successful, the handle of the .DCL file is then
added to the ASSOCIATION LIST ai_support, which would have the
following structure
(("DCLFILE1" . 1) ("DCLFILE2" . 2)...)
If result of (ai_dcl) is NIL, then .DCL file is not avalable,
or cannot be loaded (the latter can result from a DCL audit).
Applications that call (ai_dcl) should test its result, and
terminate or abort if it is nil. Normal termination rather
than aborting with an error condition, is desirable if the
application can be invoked transparently.
ロードが成功する場合、.DCLファイルのハンドルはASSOCIATION LIST ai_supportに加えられます。
(("DCLFILE1" . 1) ("DCLFILE2" . 2)...)

(defun ai_dcl (dcl_file / dcl_handle)

   ;; If the specified .DCL is already loaded then
   ;; just return its handle to the caller.
   ((ai_return (cdr (assoc dcl_file ai_support))))
   ;; Otherwise, try to FIND the .DCL file, and display a
   ;; an appropriate message if it can't be located, and
   ;; return Nil to the caller:
   ((not (findfile (strcat dcl_file ".dcl")))
         "ダイアログ定義ファイルが見つかりません。" dcl_file
         ".dcl が見つかりません。\n SUPPORT ディレクトリを調べてください。"))
     (ai_return nil)
   ;; The file has been found.  Now try to load it.  If it
   ;; can't be succesfully loaded, then indicate such, and
   ;; abort the caller:
   ((or (not (setq dcl_handle (load_dialog dcl_file)))
        (> 1 dcl_handle))
         "ダイアログ コントロール ファイル をロードできません。 " dcl_file ".dcl"
         "\n SUPPORT ディレクトリを調べてください。"))
     (ai_return nil)
   ;; Otherwise, the file has been loaded, so add it's handle
   ;; to the FILE->HANDLE association list AI_SUPPORT, and
   ;; return the handle to the caller:
   (t (setq ai_support (cons (cons dcl_file dcl_handle) ai_support))
     (ai_return dcl_handle)


Enable/Disable the common fields depending on the selection set.
Layer 1; Color 2; Linetype 4; Linetype Scale 8; Thickness 16;
層1; 色2; Linetype 4; Linetype scale 8; 厚さ 16;

(defun ai_common_state (ss_ename / bit_value)

 (setq bit_value 0)
 (setq ss_ename (strcase ss_ename))
   ( (member ss_ename '("ARC" "ATTDEF" "CIRCLE"  "LINE" "POINT"
                        "POLYLINE" "SHAPE" "SOLID" "TRACE" "TEXT" "XREF"))
     (setq bit_value (logior 1 2 4 8 16))
   ( (member ss_ename '("3DFACE" "ELLIPSE" "BODY"
                        "REGION" "3DSOLID" "SPLINE"
                        "XLINE" "TOLERANCE" "LEADER" "RAY"))
     (setq bit_value (logior 1 2 4 8))

( (member ss_ename '("DIMENSION" "INSERT"))

     (setq bit_value (logior 1 2 4)) 
   ( (member ss_ename '("VIEWPORT" "MTEXT"))
     (setq bit_value (logior 1 2))
   ( (member ss_ename '("MLINE"))
     (setq bit_value (logior 1 8))
   (T (setq bit_value (logior 1 2 4 8 16)) ; Enable all fields if unknown.
 bit_value                         ; Return bit value of fields.


(ai_helpfile) returns an empty string. Let the core code figure out
the default platform helpfile.

(defun ai_helpfile ( / platform)



Returns val with the any trailing zeros beyond the current
setting of luprec removed.

(defun ai_rtos(val / a b units old_dimzin)

 (setq units (getvar "lunits"))
 ;; No fiddling if units are Architectural or Fractional
 (if (or (= units 4) (= units 5))
   (rtos val)
   ;; Otherwise work off trailing zeros
     (setq old_dimzin (getvar "dimzin"))
     ;; Turn off bit 8
     (setvar "dimzin" (logand old_dimzin (~ 8)))
     (setq a (rtos val))
     ;; Turn on bit 8
     (setvar "dimzin" (logior old_dimzin 8))
     (setq b (rtos val units 15))
     ;; Restore dimzin
     (setvar "dimzin" old_dimzin)
     ;; Fuzz factor used in equality check.
     (if (equal (distof a) (distof b) 0.000001) a b)


Returns angle val with the any trailing zeros beyond the current
setting of luprec removed.

(defun ai_angtos(val / a b old_dimzin)

 (setq old_dimzin (getvar "dimzin"))
 ;; Turn off bit 8
 (setvar "dimzin" (logand old_dimzin (~ 8)))
 (setq a (angtos val))
 ;; Turn on bit 8
 (setvar "dimzin" (logior old_dimzin 8))
 (setq b (angtos val (getvar "aunits") 15))
 ;; Restore dimzin
 (setvar "dimzin" old_dimzin)
 ;; Fuzz factor used in equality check. Reminder a & b are radians.
 (if (equal (angtof a) (angtof b) 0.00000001) a b)


When passed a selection set, (ai_ssget) removes objects on locked
layers from the returned selection set. Nil is returned if all objects
in the selection set are locked.

(defun ai_ssget(ss / start_size end_size a diff)

 (setq start_size (sslength ss))
 (setq a 0)
 (while (< a (sslength ss))
   (if (ai_entity_locked (ssname ss a) 0)
     (ssdel (ssname ss a) ss)
     (setq a (1+ a))  ; Only increment if non-deleted item.
 (setq end_size (sslength ss))
 (if (/= 0 (setq diff (- start_size end_size)))
   (princ (strcat "\n" (itoa diff) " 個のロックされた画層上のオブジェクト。")) 
 (if (> (sslength ss) 0)


Returns T if passed ename is on a locked layer.

(defun ai_entity_locked (ename message)

 (if (= 4 (logand 4 (cdr (assoc 70 
                           (tblsearch "layer" (cdr (assoc 8 (entget ename))))
     (if (= 1 message)
       (princ "\n1 個のロックされた画層上のオブジェクト。")


Integers in AutoLISP are 32-bit values. However, when integers
are transferred between AutoLISP and AutoCAD, they are restricted
to 16-bit values (+32767 to -32768). (sslength) returns real
numbers when the number of entities exceeds 32767, and subsequent
use of a variable expected to contain an int that actually contains
a real causes those functions to fail ((ssname) for instance.)
This wrapper ensures that the returned number is an int. LTK, 1.96
(sslength) 実体の数が32767を超過する場合、実数を返します。また、実際に実数を含んでいるintを含むと
予想される変数の後の使用はそれらの機能を失敗させます(例えば (ssname))。
このラッパーは、返された数がintであることを保証します。 LTK, 1.96

(defun ai_sslength (ss)

 (if ss
   (fix (sslength ss))


Clean loading of ai_utils.lsp
